Schedule Change Policy
Thompson Valley High School makes every attempt to place students in courses that match their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) and enhance their career pathway. Students are advised to make responsible selections of courses based upon input from parents, teachers and counselors prior to registration for the next school year and are expected to remain in those courses.
Occasionally there is a valid reason for dropping a course, such as:
- Student is misplaced, that is, they do not have the background necessary for success in the course, or the instructor feels the aptitude is lacking.
- Student needs travel time to take a course at FRCC, AIMS or another TSD high school.
- Student is over-extended may be a determining factor for reducing schedule.
Adding or Dropping a Course - permitted during the first 5 school days in the semester
Counselor Responsibility:
- Discuss graduation requirements
- Determine if space is available in class
- Student still has 8 classes (9th & 10th grade), 7 classes (11th grade), 6 classes (12th grade). Juniors making adequate progress toward graduation may reduce their schedule to 7 classes and Seniors may take 6 classes
- Schedule changes that result in fewer classes must be approved by a counselor and/or principal
- No other additional changes to the schedule occurs
Student Responsibility:
- Consult with grade level counselor about the feasibility of the proposed change
- Pick up an Add/Drop form from the counselor. Obtain signatures from the dropping teacher and the accepting teacher. Return form to your counselor for final counselor approval.
** Classes will only be dropped for the reasons stated above.
**Any schedule changes that do not fall within the TVHS Schedule change policy will result in a drop/fail and will potentially be recorded as an F on the student’s transcript.
Academic Core Class Adjustments - Level Changes (from one level of course to another)
Teacher Responsibility:
- Communicate with student and parent about level change.
- Consult with “accepting teacher” to see if there is space available.
- Original teacher communicates level change with the counselor.
Building Procedure:
- Anytime within the 1st progress period
- Academic reason for the change related to skill level
- Two days after grades are posted from first progress period, student remains in course for the remainder of the semester and level change can be considered for the following semester.